Fraud Alerts:
See our latest fraud alerts to protect yourself.
Malicious actors may attempt to impersonate SIPC employees in fraudulent e-mails. If an e-mail is suspicious, please contact SIPC to confirm its authenticity. Malicious actors also may pose as SIPC through false or fraudulent websites that mimic SIPC's web site. Beware of any websites using similar domain names to SIPC's or that resemble SIPC’s website except for certain contact information. SIPC's official website appears exclusively at For any questions or concerns, contact SIPC at 202-371-8300 or by manually addressing an email to
SIPC has issued Investor Bulletins explaining SIPC’s protection and claims process.
We are a non-profit corporation that has been protecting investors for over 50 years. SIPC has recovered billions of dollars for investors.
Created by Congress in 1970, SIPC celebrated 50 years of protecting investors in 2020.

Important Information for Investors

Claim Filing Deadlines
Claim Filing Deadlines
When you file matters. Filing deadlines explained.
Is Your Broker a SIPC Member?
Is Your Broker a SIPC Member?
SIPC protects the customers of over 3,500 securities brokerage firms.
Open Cases
Open Cases
Cases that are still being processed.